Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I Rebuke That Devil Called 'Funk'!

So, you ever wonder what happened to the girl from high school who was always late because she had to bathe, do her hair, makeup and apply "smell goods" and "keep fresh" in the 15 minutes she had to herself in the bathroom at home? Well, here's the result of that hard knock life. Above, you see the contents of a purse. Yes, a purse. I didn't believe it, either. Deodorant, makeup, a comb, brush, perfume (in the old jheri curl juice bottle--for safe keeping) all stored in a handy bag "just in case". How the hell can you live like this!?!? All this and not a Tampon to be found! By the way, I snapped these images as she was dumping Skittles from her bag. A damn shame. I wonder what the girls who carried protractors and combination locks are carrying now....

Monday, September 3, 2007

My Lipgloss Be Poppin'!

I guess one could never have enough lipgloss, eh? With all the assorted flavors, benefits and textures, how do you choose one? Apparently not easily, as we see here. Dr. Pepper, CO Bigelow, Burt's Bees, and is that a couple MAC lipglasses thrown in there, too? Holy chapped lips, Batman!! I assume it's safe to say that soft sippers and cool breath are a must for this carrier.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Drumroll, please!

This is my newest acquistion, the Louis Vuitton Batignolles Horizontal. I love love love it! So, what's inside? Click the picture and have a look.

Don't just watch the purse parade go by. Join in. Send your submission to